ST. ALBANS — On break from her job as a seamstress in Miss Beattie’s Millinery Shop in St. Albans, 17-year-old Adaliza Blakely was a witness to history. On that day, nearly 150 years ago, she witnessed the shooting of a … Continue reading
ST. ALBANS — On break from her job as a seamstress in Miss Beattie’s Millinery Shop in St. Albans, 17-year-old Adaliza Blakely was a witness to history. On that day, nearly 150 years ago, she witnessed the shooting of a … Continue reading
ST. ALBANS — The Civil War era ancestors of today’s St. Albans lived by a code steeped in long-held traditions and social customs. These, melded with deeply held religious values provided a moral compass that in retrospect can be just … Continue reading
ST. ALBANS — Had you wandered into the meeting Wednesday afternoon you might have left with a question in mind: Who did more planning, the Confederate raiders who struck St. Albans by surprise 150 years ago, or these people working … Continue reading
The St. Albans Raid 150th Anniversary Commemoration is a huge undertaking that is expected to attract thousands from across the country. It is made possible thus far with the support of Legacy sponsors, the Peoples Trust Company and Rotary Club … Continue reading
ST. ALBANS — The countdown to the commemoration of 150th anniversary of the St. Albans Raid is officially on. A period clothing program, designed to assist area residents planning to dress in 1860s’ attire for the Sept. 18-21 commemoration will … Continue reading
ST. ALBANS — On the same day Confederate soldiers were robbing banks in St. Albans, Oct. 19, 1864, Union soldiers from Franklin County were fighting to preserve Union control of the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia, according to Civil War historian … Continue reading
View the first in a series of WCAX, Channel 3 reports about The St. Albans Raid. The Burlington CBS affiliate will do one such report a month on the run up to the large 150th raid anniversary event being held … Continue reading
The Vermont Academy of the Arts and Sciences (VAAS) on Saturday, Oct. 26, will bring together nationally known scholars, Civil War buffs and local experts for a conference at the St. Albans Historical Museum. The event is free and open … Continue reading
ST. ALBANS — A calendar for next year celebrates St. Albans’ most infamous historical event from 150 years ago. The St. Albans Raid Calendar was unveiled Thursday, Oct. 4, 2013, at the St. Albans Historical Museum amid a gala including … Continue reading
ST. ALBANS — It was announced Friday afternoon that the St. Albans Raid 150th Anniversary Commemoration had been chosen a Vermont Chamber of Commerce Top 10 Event for Fall 2014. In all of 2013, the only Franklin County event chosen … Continue reading