ST. ALBANS — The countdown to the commemoration of 150th anniversary of the St. Albans Raid is officially on. A period clothing program, designed to assist area residents planning to dress in 1860s’ attire for the Sept. 18-21 commemoration will be held Saturday afternoon, Jan. 18.

Lynn Sawyer, surrounded by many examples of 1860s’ period clothing, discusses bonnets during a Civil War era program in 2013. She will return to the St. Albans Historical Museum on Saturday, Jan. 18, at 1 p.m. in a free program to assist those who plan to dress up for the Sept. 18-21 St. Albans Raid 150th Anniversary Commemoration. – Messenger file photo
Civil War era civilian re-enactor Lynn Sawyer, also president of the Cambridge Historical Society, first held a lively discussion on the topic in St. Albans last May. Her follow up visit this month (a program offered free of charge) is a further opportunity to plan well ahead for the four-day event marking St. Albans’ unusual link to the Civil War.
Sawyer, on Saturday, Jan. 18, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Bliss Room of the St. Albans Historical Society, will reprise and build upon her original program. There will be ample opportunity for questions and materials to assist those planning to dress the part for the Civil War event.
Sawyer will model a ball gown she recently acquired and that she plans to wear to the St. Albans Raid Civil War Ball this year.
The St. Albans Raid 150th Anniversary Commemoration will include re-enactments of the surprise raid made by Confederate soldiers on downtown St. Albans. It has long been verified as the northernmost land action of the Civil War. While the actual raid occurred on Oct. 19, 1864, the celebration was set for September in order to capitalize on warmer weather and the start of the fall foliage season.
The event has been proclaimed the Most Significant Civil War Event of 2014 in Vermont, by the Vermont Sesquicentennial Commission, and a Top 10 Vermont Chamber of Commerce Fall Event for 2014.
As part of the event, area residents, businesses, and merchants are being called on to depict the St. Albans of 1864. That’s where Lynn Sawyer’s involvement is seen as a vital part of the planning process.
While there will be judging of period costumes worn during the commemoration, Sawyer is also offering her help to those who wish to “dress up” just for fun, or who relish the challenge of recreating clothing of another period.

Lynn Sawyer, of Cambridge, at right, representing the 18th Vermont speaks with Andrew Cassidy of Castleton, a member of the Civil War Medical Coalition, and Susan Brown, of Benson representing the 2nd Vermont during Civil War Heritage Days 2013, held last August. Sawyer has conducted a Civil War era clothing demonstration in St. Albans and will do so again Jan. 18 in preparation for the 2014 St. Albans Raid Ball, which invites participants to dress in 1860s garb. – GEORGE QUELLETTE photo
She has considerable experience portraying a woman of the 1860s – left behind on the home front by men gone off to war — and in educating others about the clothing of that time. Sawyer is a member of the Champlain Valley Historical Re-enactors – Green Mountain Civilians, which has been a key organizer of the Albans Civil War Heritage Days held in Taylor Park for the past three years.
Prior to her lively and well-attended program here last May, Sawyer, who again has volunteered to make her presentation, explained how she got involved. “The interest in the clothing specifically took off when the Cambridge Historical Society started to plan for the first Cambridge Civil War Days event almost three years ago,” she explained. “I wanted to dress for the event, but did not want to misrepresent the ‘look’ and thus the reading and researching began. Once I put on my first period-accurate dress and corset, I was hooked.”
Her appearance in St. Albans is at the request of the St. Albans Raid Commemorative Committee, a diverse group of local residents who have worked for the past three years to present the commemoration event. The St. Albans Historical Museum is also involved in the planning.
Sawyer’s program, during which refreshments will be provided, will be a wide-ranging one with ample opportunities for questions about period clothing for men, women, and children, including tips on making it affordable. Examples of clothing will be modeled and she will provide a list of resources to assist those looking to either make or purchase clothing.
Click here for more information on the Civil War Era Clothing Workshop.